Honorarkonsulat der

Republik Kongo

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Embassy of the Republic of Congo in the Kingdom of BELGIUM, the Kingdom of the
Ambassador Roger Julien MENGA
16-18 Av. Franklin Roosevelt
Tel : +32-2 648 38 56
Fax : +32-2 648 42 13
Email1. ambacongobrazza61@yahoo.fr
Email2. ambaco.benelux.ue@skynet.be
1050 Brussels

Embassy of the Republic of Congo in FRANCE
Ambassador Henri LOPES
37bis, rue Paul Valery
Tel: +33-1 45 00 60 57
Fax: +33-1 40 67 17 33
Email: ambacongofrance@yahoo.fr
75016 Paris

Consulate in Bordeaux :
76 Chemin de Camparian BP 129
33884 Villenave d’Ornon,
Tel: +33-5 56 87 00 58 –
Fax: +33-5 56 87 72 20

Consulate in Lyon :
25, quai Tilsit
69002 Lyon cedex 2,
Tel: +33-4 72 77 55 96 –
Fax: +33-4 72 77 55 96

Consulate in Marseille :
Villa Hermès, Domaine des Alpilles
397 Corniche Kennedy 13007
Tel: +33-4 91 22 13 58 6
Fax:  +33-4 93 07 57 07

Consulate in Nice :
35 avenue Bréguière
06800 Cagnes-sur-Mer –
Tel: +33-4 93 07 57 07

Embassy of the Republic of Congo in GERMANY
S.E. Herr Mamadou Kamara Dekamo
außerordentlicher und bevollmächtigter Botschafter
Wallstrasse 69
Tel: +4930-12378546
Email: botschaft.kongobrz@hotmail.de
10179 Berlin

Embassy of the Republic of Congo in ITALY
Ambassador Mamadou Dekamo KAMARA

Via Ombrone 8/10,
00198 Rome
Tel : (+ 39) 06.8417422 or  (+ 39) 06.85357787
Email. ambacorome@libero.it or consolato@ambasciatadelcongobrazzaville.it 

Embassy of the Republic of Congo in RUSSIA
Ambassador Aimé Clovis GUILLOND
Koroviy Val 7
Bat 1
Tel: +7-495 236 33 68
Fax: +7-495 236 41 16
Email: ambacoru@yahoo.fr
119049 Moscow

Embassy of the Republic of Congo in SWEDEN
Ambassador André HOMBESSA
Sturegatan 13B F314
Tel : +46-830 05 90
Email. andrehombessa@spray.se

Embassy of the Republic of Congo at UNESCO
Ambassador Jean-Marie ADOUA
1, rue Miollis
Tel : +33-1 45 68 32 56 ou +33-1 47 83 38 22
Email. dl.congo@unesco.org ou jeanmarieadoua@yahoo.fr
75007 Paris

Embassy of the Republic of Congo at the UN-GENEVA
Ambassador Luc Joseph OKIO
Chemin François Lehmann
241218 Grad Sconnex
Tel : +41-22 731 88 21
Fax : +41-22 731 88 17 / 18
Email. missioncongo@bluewin.ch ou mission-congo-brazza@deckpoint.ch


Embassy of the Republic of Congo in ALGERIA
Ambassador Jean Pierre LOUYEBO
86, Avenue Abdelsalami
Vieux Kouba
BP 302
Tel : +213 21 44 85 93
Fax: +213 21 28 39 70
Email: ambaco_alg@yahoo.fr

Embassy of the Republic of Congo in ANGOLA
Ambassador Jean-Baptiste Dzangué
3, Avenida do 4 de Fevereiro,
BP 3501
Luanda, Angola
Tel : +244-922 688 7000
Email: ambaco@netangola.com
or ambacobrazza@gmail.com

Consulate of the Republic of Congo in BENIN

Lot 34-E PK 6 Tokplégbé
BP 2266
Tel: +229 21 33 24 51 / + 229 95 42 44 34

Embassy of the Republic of Congo in CAMEROON
Ambassador Gisèle Bouanga-Kalou
Quartier Bastos
BP 1422
Yaoundé, Cameroon
Tel : +237 22 21 24 58
Email: ambacongo-cameroun@outlook.com

Embassy of the Republic of Congo in CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC
Ambassador Gabriel Entcha-Ebia
Avenue Barthélemy Boganda
BP 1414
Bangui, Centrafrique
Tel : +236-216 103 09 or +236-216 120 70
Email: diplobrazzabangui@yahoo.fr

Embassy of the Republic of Congo in CHAD
Ambassador Pierre Ernest ABANDZOUNOU
Quartier Hille Rouge, Sect 1 Lot 43
Lot 12 Rond point Sonasut
BP 5805
Ndjamena, Chad
Tel : +235 252 42 42 33 / +235 633 38 10
Email: ambacobtchad@yahoo.fr or mantsiomo@yahoo.fr

Embassy of the Republic of Congo in the Democratic Republic of CONGO
Ambassador Clément Yandoma
179, Bd du 30 Juin
BP 9516
Kinshasa, D.R. Congo
Tel : +243 213-46 759
Email: ambacokin@yahoo.fr

General Consulate in Douala
Vice General Consul Mr. André NGASSAKI
71 Rue Toyota
BP 15 172
Douala, Cameroon
Tel : +237 70 79 98 10

Embassy of the Republic of Congo in EGYPT
Ambassador Raphaël Malonga
7, Rrue Fawzi Ramah
Le Caire, Egypt
Tel : +20 2 34 62 333 or +20 2 34 58 626
Email: ambacolecaire@yahoo.fr

Embassy of the Republic of Congo in EQUATORIAL GUINEA
Ambassador Celestine Kouakoua
Malabo Paraiso
BP. 110
Malabo, Equatorial Guinea
Email: ambacomalabo1803@gmail.com

Embassy of the Republic of Congo in ETHIOPIA
Ambassador Safouesse MAKAYA
BP 5639
Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia
Tel : +251 11 66 10 012 / +251 921 37 44
Fax : +251 11 66 38 622
Email: ambacoet_ua@yahoo.fr
or ambacoaddis@gmail.com

Embassy of the Republic of Congo in KENYA
Ambassador Jean Pierre OSSEY
162; Wispers Avenue Gigiri
PoBox 1722,
00621 Nairobi, Kenya
Tel : +254-700 339 701 / 02
Email: ambacoken@yahoo.com

Embassy of the Republic of Congo in LIBYA
BP 82484
00198 Rome
Tel : +218-214 835 057
Fax : +218-214 772 208
Email: ambacolibye@yahoo.fr

Embassy of the Republic of Congo in MALI
Consul honoraire (juridiction du SENEGAL) Moussa Diawara
311 Av. Lyser
Quai du Fleuve
Tel : +223- 223 25 85 or +223-762 349 39 or +223-667 227 69
Fax : +223-223 6058

Embassy of the Republic of Congo in MOROCCO
Ambassador Valentin Olessongo
BP 8166
Av. General Abbendbi Britel 197
Lotissement OLM
Soussi II
Rabat, Maroc
Tel : +212-537 65 99 66
Fax : +212-537 65 99 59

Embassy of the Republic of Congo in NAMIBIA
Ambassador Marie Thérèse Avémeka
9 Korner Street,
PO Box 22970
Windhoek, Namibie
Tel : +264-61 25 75 17
Fax: +264-61 24 07 96 or +264-61 25 33 28
Email: embcongo@iway.na

Embassy of the Republic of Congo in NIGERIA
Ambassador Jean Marie Mowele
Lobito Crescent Plot 447,
Wuse II PMB 540 Garki
Abuja, Nigeria
Tel : +234-9 413 74 07 / +234-803 76 14 28
Fax : +234-9 413 01 57
Email: ambacoabuja@yahoo.fr
Email: diplobrazzabuja@gmail.com

Embassy of the Republic of Congo in SOUTH AFRICA
Ambassador Emile Ognimba
960, Arcadia street, Arcadia Pretoria
BP 40427 Arcadia 007
Pretoria, South Africa
Tel : +27 12 342 55 07 / +27 12 342 55 08 / +27 12 342 55 09
Email: pretoria@embassyofcongo.co.za
Fax : +27 12 342 55 10


Embassy of the Republic of Congo in BRAZIL
Ambassador Louis Sylvain Goma

Shis QL 08 Conjunto 05
Casa 06 Lago Sul-Brasilia
D.F. Brasilia CEP 71620-255
Brasilia, Bresil
Tel./Fax. +55-61 35 32 04 40
Email. ambacbrazza@gmail.com

Embassy of the Republic of Congo in CUBA
Ambassador Pascal Onguiémbi
Sta av. 1003, Miramar
La Havane, Cuba
Tel : +53- 7 33 97 31
Fax : +53-7 204 90 55 ou +53-7 33 96 98
Email. ambacohavane@yahoo.fr

Embassy of the Republic of Congo at the UN-NEW YORK
Ambassador Raymond Serge Bale
14 East 65th Street
NY 10021 USA
Tel : +1-212 744 78 41
Fax : +1-212 744 79 75
Email. congo@un.int ou mpcongo_onu@hotmail.com

Embassy of the Republic of Congo in the U.S.A., CANADA and MEXICO 
Ambassador: S.E.M Serge Mombouli

1720  16th Street NW
Washington DC 20009 USA
Tel: 001-(202)-726-5500
Fax: 001-(202)-726-1860
Email: info@ambacongo-us.org


Embassy of the Republic of Congo in CHINA
Ambassador Daniel OWASSA
7, San Li Tun Duong
Si Jie Beijing
Tel : +86-10 65 32 16 58 ou +86-10 65 32 13 87
Fax. +86-10 65 32 29 15
Email. ambacb@yahoo.fr  

Embassy of the Republic of Congo in INDIA
Ambassador Felix Ngoma
B8/9 Vasant Vihar 
New Delhi 110057
Tel : +91-11 42385500/ +91-11 42368800
Fax. +91- 11 40588654
Email. ambaco2.inde@gmail.com

Mittlerer Osten

Embassy of the Republic of Congo in ISRAEL
Charge d’Affaires Guy Nestor Itoua
9, Maskit Street,
Herzliyya Pituach,46120
P.O. Box: 12.504
Herzliyya Pituach -46733
Tel : +972)
Fax : +972 .
E-mail : guy_itoua@yahoo.fr ou ambacotlv@yahoo.fr
Tel Aviv 61213


der Republik Kongo

Lübecker Straße 17
30880 Hannover-Laatzen
Tel.: +49 (0)  5102 673 68 41
Fax.: +04 (0) 5102 673 68 95
E-Mail: post@konsulat-kongo.de

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